Akhilesh Yadav, who is creating his own platform to take on the BJP, predicted that the people of Uttar Pradesh would “wipe out” the current ruling party. But now he is inviting Mamata Banerjee, the CM of West Bengal to join hands together to fight against the current ruling party, BJP in UP.
As he prepares for the UP elections, Akhilesh Yadav is putting together a “rainbow” coalition that includes regional parties from the state’s east and votes from farmers in the west. The two parties, the Trinamool and the Samajwadi Party, exchanged pleasantries in the run-up to the Bengal election, with Mr. Yadav pledging to support the Trinamool. In contrast, Ms. Banerjee has been wooing new supporters since defeating the BJP in her home state of Bengal. NCP leader Sharad Pawar and Maharashtra minister Aaditya Thackeray, the son of Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray, met her in Mumbai this week. When asked about the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) during her visit, she screamed, “It doesn’t exist!” “What is the purpose of the UPA? The UPA does not exist!” This time in Delhi, Ms. Banerjee ruled out a meeting with Sonia Gandhi, the head of the governing Congress party.
The coalition clearly shows the weakness of the Samajwadi Party. It is very clear that SP has already accepted their weakness in the upcoming UP elections. From this background, BJP will have the chance of getting the maximum number of seats.