If you have a bucket list, then you probably have a place or two in it where the words ‘travel’ and ‘abroad’ appear together. Maybe not quite so literally but present anyway. For many people travel is a normal thing. It’s how they get from one place to the other. But have you ever seriously considered traveling abroad? How many people do you know that have actually put some money on the side just to see the world? Not many most likely. In fact, some studies have shown that the average American only steps out of his or her comfort zone (the US that is) to visit only three countries. If you compare that with the European average of five nations then the difference is easily noticeable. Better yet, factor in that about a third of Americans say that they’ve never been out of the country.
Myths about traveling abroad that might have been holding you back
Many Americans have this notion that traveling abroad is a huge deal. If someone asked you right now to name five places in the world you’d like to visit, would you be able to? Some people would; others would not. That’s the first thing you need to learn about traveling abroad. You always have to know where you are going.
If you know where you want to go, what’s been holding you back? The first reason most people give for not going out the country is that they’ve got no money to do that. The general image that people have about going to other countries is that you’ve got to be rich to do it. This notion is a practical one but does not apply at all times. For example, if a person works in a company that offers these trips maybe even in the form of retreats, why shouldn’t the employee take advantage of the offering and travel? Similarly, colleges and universities today offer students chances and fellowships to study overseas. Other options for travel include religious trips, volunteer opportunities and job offers out-country.
Another thing you need to realize is that with globalization visiting other countries is no longer as hard or expensive as it used to be. There are many airlines, bus services, and trains to get anyone anywhere they want to go. With a little research into cheaper modes and a bit of saving anyone can travel abroad.
Traveling abroad also does not have to be all about business. Some people travel because it is fun. If you can’t afford to get on an airplane and go to England, why don’t you take a bus and hike through a neighboring state? Have fun and explore wherever you go.
Some tips as you think about taking a trip out-country
Whether for geological, artistic, business or historical reasons, traveling abroad require some preparation. Here are a few tips you might try.
Ensure you are properly packed, to begin with. Before traveling everyone should make sure that they have all the necessary documentation to get them where they want to go.
Do a little reading on where you want to go. If you are going to enjoy yourself, look up the most highly rated attractions in that region. Read about the history of these places and their customs. Study some basic phrases that you might need when you arrive at your destination. There are guides and agents that guide people through these processes.
The last tip, when you reach your destination, immerse yourself in that place. Ask about what the locals like to do and join in. Taste some local foods. Make a friend or two to take you around the city. Speak the language, blend in and you can live out the full travel abroad experience.
Why traveling abroad is good for you
Some individuals do not visit countries other than their own because they do not feel the need of it. Such individuals are used to a status quo and may not have any reason to change it. While staying in their comfort zones is not reprehensible, these people miss out on a lot when it comes to quality of life. Just the other day US universities released results from various studies that listed the benefits of out-country experiences.
Scientifically speaking, traveling abroad is a good thing for a variety of reasons. A Cambridge study linked striding abroad to increased creativity among students. Another study conducted by Cornell University found that people who traveled outside their home country were a lot happier than those who had not. Visiting foreign nations, according to scientists, also reduces an individual’s levels of stress thereby elongating his or her life. In fact, a Wisconsin clinic proved that regular vacations in exotic places reduced one’s risk of getting depressed. Depression is directly linked to a person’s mental health. Therefore, traveling affects your mental, psychological and in some cases physical health.
Even without science, the benefits of seeing other places is evident among those people who have traveled. In the workplace, some of these individuals are the ones given promotions because they mastered an additional language during one of their trips. In the classroom, they have unique perspectives and a wide range of knowledge about various subjects. Well-travelled people are also confident and not afraid to speak their minds. This confidence comes from being immersed in other cultures where they had to introspect and learn more about themselves.
Traveling abroad helps people develop skills they did not know they could have. For others, it is a sign that they have accomplished something they set out to do. But the single greatest benefit of traveling abroad is the role it plays in globalization. As more and more people visit foreign nations cultures interact and people evolve. Individuals start understanding each other’s cultures. What’s more the economy benefits because of these travels. If you want to see how this works, take a look at state visits. President Donald Trump is on his way to Europe and the Middle East, visiting other nations. He is going there to form alliances and broker peace. In the end, there may be some bilateral deals to be made. And they’ll be peace, and where there’s peace, business prospers.