
The US Senator hopes to diffuse the matter of her Native American origin and put it to rest. The matter has dogged her career as she climbed the ladder in politics. Her objective to clear the speculation can be pegged on her possibility to run for president in 2020. Bits and parts when she tried to clear the speculation can be traced back to last month when she addressed the National Congress of American Indians. Warren tried to cast her family’s story to project the context of challenges facing native people.

Apart from last month’s address, the prominent Democrat legislator has signed into legislation laws that support Native Americans and called on the President to nominate a director for the Indian Health Service. From time to time she has also met with tribal leaders as well as her legislation being supported by Native American activists.

Elizabeth Warren’s Objectivity with Her Push

Warren’s move to push to speak about her origins to the Native Americans can be considered a rebuttal to Trump’s statements. The President has repeatedly referred to the Senator as a “Pocahontas,” a move speculated to try and discredit a potential rival come to the 2020 presidential elections. As Warren may seek to run for the presidency, she pursues to quash questions into claims of her heritage.

Warren said that every time someone brings up her family’s story, she will use the forum to lift up the stories of other Native American Indians and their community. It is evident that her story is consistent with what the Oklahoma native said. She said that for years she and brothers were told that their paternal grandparents were against his father marrying their mother for being part Cherokee and part Delaware.

In the same event last month, Warren restated that her mother’s family was part Native American and that his father’s parents were against their union forcing them to elope in 1932 when her mother was 19 and her dad was 20 years old.

Support for Senator Warren

For a long time, Warren’s advocacy is welcomed by many Native Americans. Maltais Chairwoman for Wampanoag Tribe of the Gay Head, Cheryl Andrews has introduced the Senator to many gatherings and stated that she is a formidable Indian country ally and force. She adds that the Senator truly understands Indian country and what sovereignty really meant.

Cedric Cromwell the Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe council chairman stated that they appreciate Warren’s remarks about how the government owes native citizens a chance to build robust communities and brighter futures.

Not all Native American supporters recognize the Senator’s story.