
The Florida high school mass shooting committed by a former 19-year-old student, Nikolas Cruz, was a sad event but has ruffled up ongoing debates on gun laws. The subject sure takes on partisan politics with the normal rhetoric of Republicans being against strict gun rules while the Democrats advocate against gun ownership, their compromise for stringent gun policies still being rejected by the Republicans.

As students all over the States gather to demonstrate for a change on gun rules which could avert mass shootings like the Florida school shooting, legislators begin weighing in on the matter the best way they know how; pointing blame fingers towards one another.

Claudia Tenney’s Radio Interview

In an interview with Talk 1300 Radio on Wednesday, Claudia stated that many people who commit mass murders turn out to be Democrats. Claudia is a Republican congresswoman from upstate New York.

The radio discussion was about calls for firmer gun policies following the Florida high school shooting last week.

While answering one of the questions asked by talk show host Fred Dicker in the interview, she stated that it was obvious there is a lot of politics in the matter concerning gun rules. She added that it was interesting that the majority of the perpetrators of mass shootings end up being Democrats. She then accused the media of not pointing out such facts.

The statements by the congresswoman had no evidence backing it nor did she provide any.

Reaction to Tenney’s Interview

Claudia Tenney’s interview may have revealed some baseless findings which sought criticisms from different Democrat politicians. Evan Lukaske the spokesman for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee reacted by saying that the baseless statements made by Tenney revealed how unfit she was to serve Congress. Anthony Brindisi the Democratic Assemblyman who is running against Tenney this fall referred to her comments as disgusting and toxic hence the need to apologize.

On Wednesday night, Tenney reacted to the responses by claiming that her comments were taken out of context. She declared that she is fed up with the media and liberals for their unending attempts to politicize tragedies and demonize innocent gun owners every time tragedy strikes. She added that Americans knew the perpetrators of such atrocities have divergent political views. She asserted that her comments during the interview were in response to a question on the failure to prosecute illegal gun crimes. Tenney concluded by stating that she will continue to stand up for law-abiding Americans smeared by anti-gun liberal elites.