On Wednesday, an Indian Air Force Mi-17V5 helicopter crashed near Coonoor in Tamil Nadu, killing CDS Gen Bipin Rawat and 12 others. At the time of the crash, there were a total of 14 people on board the Mi-17V5 helicopter, including CDS Gen. Rawat.
Condoling the death of General Bipin Rawat, Retired Director General of Artillery Mr. PR Shankar said, “He was really a good professional. Purely a great loss to the nation. He was instrumental in making our nation stand up to China resolutely first in Doklam and then in the eastern part of Ladakh.”
Additionally, Brig LS Lidder, Lt Col H Singh, Wg Cdr PS Chauhan, Sqn Ldr K Singh, and JWO Das all perished in the crash, as well as the Chief of the Defence Staff (CDS) and his wife Madhulika Rawat. Obviously, the court of Inquiry already constituted to enquire into the accident but no doubt there are many parameters that have left an open-ended question- this is an accident or conspiracy?
The Russian-made helicopter Mi-17 V5 is one of the most advanced helicopters, not only in India but also in the world. This twin-engine helicopter can fly on any topography and in any weather condition, which has all the facilities to transport VIPs in a safe condition. That’s why this unexpected crash stuns experts from all angles.