On Tuesday, BJP President Amit Shah called on Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal to meet their booth in-charge to satisfy his doubts over Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) malfunctions. Amit Shah said that Delhi’s mandate for BJP in the civic elections last week is the nation’s mandate. According to him, the massive win is another stamp of approval for PM Narendra Modi’s work at the Centre. BJP President, Amit Shah also wrote off the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), which came second, mocking Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal for blaming his party’s cheating on EVMs.
Mr. Shah said, “Kejriwal-Ji might blame Voting Machines for our victory, but he should meet our booth in-charge to know the real reason”. His winning strategy in Delhi included sacking most sitting corporations to beat any anti-incumbency sentiment after ten years of the BJP dominating the MCD in Delhi. Amit Shah credited booth-level workers for the Bharatiya Janata Party’s return to rule the 3 municipal corporations in the national capital for the 3rd time, winning 181wards out of the total 272. Delhi was won for the BJP by its booth-level workers, Mr. Shah said at a celebration of his party’s win with party workers in the capital. Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) could win only 48.
He said, even the best strategies or best candidate cannot ensure the party’s win but booth workers can. Really they worked sincerely to bring voters to polling booths and ensured its victory. Shah also said, “Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal might blame Voting Machines (EVMs) for our victory. But if he wants to know the real reason behind our victory, he must know the actual fact”.
Praising the hard work and sincere efforts of the workers for the victory of BJP in the polls, Mr. Shah said, “MCD Polls in Delhi have just been our foundation to form a government in the Centre”.
The allegations of AAP party now toned down said after the MCD election results that rigged EVMs aided the BJP’s re-election to Delhi’s three corporations. Mr. Arvind Kejriwal is now trying to rebuild his party. He has outreach at the grassroots level to rebuild his party, which is reeling from multiple election failures. Earlier this year, it failed in Punjab, where Mr. Kejriwal had expected to establish his second AAP government after Delhi. In Goa also, the AAP could not win a single seat. Just 2 years ago, Mr. Arvind Kejriwal’s AAP had shocked the BJP winning 67seats of Delhi’s 70 seats. The BJP could win only 3 seats at that time. The assembly elections in the capital had put the brakes on the BJP’s winning since its victory in the national elections of 2014, and the party, still smarting from the huge defeat, and they had launched a campaign to win the civic polls.