Sonia Gandhi, the Congress president, stood in Parliament on Wednesday and made big demands. According to her, “In Indian democracy and electoral system, Facebook and similar social media handles should be stopped.”
During the Zero Hour submission in the Lok Sabha on Wednesday, Congress President Sonia Gandhi made a number of demands based on news reports and information from various media outlets. According to her, Mark Zuckerberg’s organization Facebook deals with BJP for campaigning and advertising.
The only equation everyone can understand is that after the big loss in recent state elections, she is trying to blame everyone except her own family.
This is not the end, Congress President Sonia Gandhi added while standing in Parliament, “I am appealing to the government to stop this social media interference. Facebook and other social media giants are influencing Indian politics, the world’s largest democracy. It’s a kind of divisive politics. ”
The Congress president alleged, “Social media platforms like Facebook are filling the minds of young people with hatred and envy for motive-driven, false propaganda.” They are filling their pockets by spreading false propaganda. “The leader added,” We have to protect our democracy and communal harmony. No matter who is in power. “