A couple of weeks ago, Prashant Kishore was seen on the same stage with Mamata Banerjee. Today, Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao said that Prashant Kishore was talking to him. Prashant Kishore is working with him to bring change at the national level.
The Assembly vote in Telangana will be in 2023. According to political sources, Rao, who is terrified of the way the BJP is gaining strength in Telangana, is seeking the help of Prashant Kishore. At the same time, Rao wants the help of Prashant Kishore to present himself in national politics by watching the Lok Sabha elections in 2024 with a bird’s eye view. A couple of months ago, Prashant Kishore went to Hyderabad and had a meeting with Rao, the head of Telangana State Association, at his house.
Rao, however, claimed that Prashant Kishore was not working for money. After the West Bengal Assembly vote, Prashant Kishore said he would no longer work as a political strategist. Although his organization is still working for the TMC party in West Bengal.