The Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Yogi Adityanath made a comment against Hindu priest community of Mathura. After that angry priest of Mathura known as ‘Pandas’ are demanding an apology from CM Yogi Adityanath for his wrong statement calling the Agra ‘Lapkas’ and Mathura ‘Pandas’ anti- social elements.

On Tuesday, they also burned effigies of CM Yogi Adityanath and expressed strong opposition to any government move to control their hereditary profession. The Pandas also demanded an apology from Yogi for making them look like anti- social elements in his statement.

Vishal Sharma, the secretary of Agra Tourist Welfare Chamber said that although the word ‘Lapka’, may seem to outsiders is derogatory but it is a term used for unregistered salesman and hawkers active in Agra. Always they try to pick up tourists as they arrive in the city Agra and get them to buy local items like- handicrafts and all services, which are notoriously overpriced and sometimes highly sub-standard. Of late lapkas have become very notorious for harassing tourists, which demolish the image of not only the Agra but the whole nation before tourists. The Pandas (Priests) of Mathura-Vrindavan are indulged in the profession of providing assistance service heredity wise to Hindus for conducting religious activities in the ancient city Mathura.

Yesterday, the Akhil Bharatiya Tirth Purohit Mahasabha held a protest in Mathura and burned an effigy of UP Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath. And the Mahasabha vice president, Naveen Nagaur said that the state of Yogi Adityanath was highly insulting to the entire Priest community. He also said that the government should change its decision to interfere in their activities. He said, the pandas merely follow a tradition prevalent for centuries and they do not harass any devotees.

Mr. Nagaur Also said that, if the Chief Minister does not take back his decision by Wednesday, the entire Panda community will hold a nation-wide protest against Yogi Adityanath. And they will show their unity by not voting for the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in next coming election in 2019. He also said that Brahmins are already devoid of any form of reservation. The Brahmins are barely earning their livelihood through religious activities. According to him-“Chief Minister Yogi wants to snatch away the only means of the lively hood from priests, on which they always have a birthright since the civilization began. And we will not accept it at any cost”.

But, what about Yogi Adityanath? Till now, he has not been reacted against the agitation of those Pandas. But social activist Mr. R Nagrath said that the Panda community of Mathura should always support CM Yogi as this will help to improve the image of their community in long-term in Mathura and other parts of India.