Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Twitter account was partially hacked by some hackers to post crypto-related statements. The hackers wrote that India has officially adopted bitcoin as legal tender in Modi’s account. They also wrote that the country has bought 500 Bitcoin and the values will be distributed to all residents of India.
Till now, there is no regulatory framework or legislature that covers cryptocurrencies in India. Maybe that is the main reason for posting Bitcoin-related statements by hackers in PM Modi’s Twitter account. Since the last few days, the bitcoin value are on its same pace for the fourth consecutive weekly drop and falls below 40k INR per bitcoin. To see a jump in bitcoin price, hackers choose this technique. Although it is controlled globally India has almost 20% of the total world’s population.
However, Twitter claims that PM Modi’s account was briefly compromised which has been secured immediately after the matter escalated to Twitter. Twitter also said that it has been investigated whether any account other than the Prime Minister’s account has been hacked. Twitter’s internal investigation team said that the security of the company is not responsible for the hacking of the Prime Minister’s account.