BlackBerry is down the aisle and into the dark pit of failure. And the experts assume that Windows is not far behind now.
It isn’t wrong to say that BlackBerry’s smartphone business is now hitting rock bottom and despite keeping all the hopes up, nothing seems to be working for them. The analysis of 2016 has unveiled that in the fourth quarter of last year, Blackberry’s market share hit 0.0%. They did manage to ship 207,000 smartphones but it was actually less than half in comparison to all the other OS smartphone companies. And it isn’t that shocking too because we have been seeing a sharp decline in Blackberry’s sales through the past years. It has been coming down the success line too rapidly.
As I mentioned in the first line, that Windows is not far behind; the stats show that Windows share in the mobile industry fell down too and they only managed to ship 1.1 million phones. Just like the decline of Blackberry was expected, Windows is not far behind when its market shares might hit 0.0% too. Or maybe the failure of Blackberry bucks them up before it’s too late.
After this, we literally are left with only two basic platforms in the mobile industry and that are Android and IOS. Android has a share of 87% in the market and IOS has 18% market share. Another astounding analysis opened up the fact that Samsung has also fallen down in the market share space from 3 points. Samsung is not working as hard as it should considering its tough rivals. Huawei is leading the game and even though it’s a Chinese production, it is selling more than Samsung at the moment.
However, BlackBerry’s success is quite over now. From 2012, the company has been not selling too great and it had been quite obvious that sooner or later, their smartphones won’t work for the world. If we compare a blackberry handset with iPhone 6s plus, we might not find Blackberry attractive at all. The biggest mistake that Blackberry made was that they kept BBM locked down till their own sweet hardware only. On the other hand, WhatsApp took over in no time and beat it faster. It grossed around $19 billion and is now a huge and immense running business. Last year we also heard the CEO showing off a new creation from his company without having an inch of the knowledge about what the phone was capable of. Moreover, he was unaware of the fact that what did the name of his new smartphone stands for. This led them to great failure once again and now the game is pretty well over for them in the industry of mobiles.
It is not wrong to say that BlackBerry was enjoyed back in 2000’s but after 2012, it came under the spell of decline and is now actually going to be history real soon.